Our Services

RPR RENTALS - National Rental Services

Relocation Partners Rentals’ parent company is the only real estate firm in the United States that specializes solely in corporate relocation and with that is our distinct methodical differentiation. We consistently hold the top-prefered positions among our relocation provider partners and have won the highest real estate awards on the national level.

Our high-touch specificity and overarching expertise not just in real estate, but in corporate mobility, is what makes the strategic difference. The thorough evaluation of all possible options we provide for the employee, the diligent care and consultation that goes into selecting a community and home, and the immense number of resources we have and we are able to offer, are all pivotal to the success of each individual’s move.

RPR DESTINATIONS - Destination Relocation Services

We seamlessly and comprehensively complete DSP and settling in services in conjunction with home finding services so that there is no lag in the destination experience for the employee. The client packet will outline all the ways we can help your employees - from A to Z.

Our services can begin immediately, to provide a smooth transition for them - even before they have arrived in their new destination city. We are here for your customers each step of the way to make their transition into their new destination city a successful one. If you need anything at all our leadership team is here to help.